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Get the Guide2024 - Saturday, October 19
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Location: Grapevine Botanical Gardens at Heritage Park
The 26th Annual Butterfly Flutterby celebrates Monarch butterflies and their migration from Canada to Mexico by way of Grapevine. Bring the entire family, even your pets, to celebrate at this FREE* event.
*Please note while entrance is free, some vendor activities or food services may have a fee.
It’s COSTUME CONTEST time! Kids, adults – and we want PETS, too! Put on your best butterfly, caterpillar, flower or other costume and join us. The contest is FREE to enter and registration takes place at the Botanical Gardens at 411 Ball Street. You must be registered and have a contest number to be eligible to participate. The contest starts at 10 a.m! Prizes will be awarded for best costume in different age groups. |
RELEASE TIMES: 10:45 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. |
The Monarchs are tagged with a special device to help us track their migration to Mexico. We will be notified if any of our butterflies make it to the sanctuary. Want to release a LIVE Monarch with us at the event? Line up near the main stage for a chance to get your own Monarch to release. They are available on a first come, first served basis and we do limit the number we release for each time – but you have FOUR chances to get in on the fun! |
Arts & Crafts Activities:
There’s an ART to having fun! Stop by the Arts & Crafts Station to make your very own creation! From caterpillars to butterflies, rocks and more… there’s something for everyone. Be sure to keep your 4-legged family members hydrated at the various pools of water too. All activities are FREE!
GALLERY DISPLAY: Sprouting Artists: Budding Artists: Blooming Artists: WINNERS ANNOUNCED: |
Browse our Outdoor Art Gallery showcasing the talented artists from the Grapevine/Colleyville Independent School District kindergarten through fifth graders! The theme this year: The Magic of the Monarch All entries are on display and winners of the contest will be announced at the event at noon from the main stage. |
Be on the lookout for |
Learn all about the butterflies at this interactive, hands-on station. Want to know what plants attract butterflies? What the life cycle of these beautiful animals looks like? Be sure to stop by -- there’s plants and microscopes and so much more! |
Come and see nearly 800 butterflies from around the world in this amazing display. Butterflies have been preserved for viewing and will be on display. We invite you to look – just no touching, please. |
(available for purchase)
In need of a light snack while at the event? Stop by the Popcorn Stand hosted by our Sister City Program. Proceeds benefit Student Scholarships for Sister City professional and educational exchanges and the Girls Home in Parras de la Fuente, Mexico. |
This 22’ beautiful sculpture welcomes visitors to the Botanical Gardens. It’s a permanent structure that adds to the beauty and fun of the Butterfly Flutterby event. Be sure to stop for a picture! |
Be sure to look for the wings, stand in front and take a picture of your own transformation into a butterfly!
Check out the fun Butterfly Flutterby swag available for sale at the event as well. Look for the tent near the main stage!
This year's Butterfly Flutterby is sponsored by Cook Children's Health Care System, 121 Community Church and Brightview Landscape Services.
Butterfly Flutterby is produced by the Grapevine Convention & Visitors Bureau in partnership with the Grapevine Garden Club and Grapevine Parks & Recreation Department.